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Personnel Committee Minutes October 19, 2006
Personnel Committee                                             Present:  Robert Minardi
October 19, 2006                                                           Jeanne Shapiro
                                                                           Barbara DiBugnara

The Personnel Committee met with the Board of Selectmen at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the future of the Personnel Committee.

The Board of Selectmen and Personnel Committee reviewed a spreadsheet showing the activity of the Personnel Committee over the last three years.

The committee is a five member committee although it has not had a full committee for some time now.  The Committee requires three members for a quorum.  

Mr. Minardi reported that Ms. DiBugnara gave a year’s notice and since then they have lost another member who has moved out of the state.  Mr. Minardi and Ms. Shapiro both expressed their interest in leaving the Committee also.

Ms. Ross reported that many towns have lost their Personnel Committees and have evolved into a Human Resources Department.  

The Committee’s recommendation is to hire a human resources professional on a limited basis to take care of the work that would normally be performed by the committee.  Ms. Ross confirmed that there are consultants who do this sort of work and she had already received interest from one person who would be interested in serving as the Town’s consultant.  The Committee agreed that a compensation salary study was not needed for another 3-5 years.   The cost of living adjustment (COLA) can be looked at on an annual basis by reviewing the federal guidelines and checking with surrounding towns.

Ms. Ross informed everyone that any changes to the Personnel Bylaw including elimination of the Personnel Committee, would require a town meeting vote.

 Advisory Committee members Scott Powell and David Lindsay agreed with the proposed process assuming it can be done at a reasonable cost.

 Ms. Shapiro did not want to minimize the personnel issues and felt it was important to have a human resources consultant available at least once a month for employees.  

The Committee agreed to stay on until June 30, 2007.   The Board of Selectmen suggested that the Personnel Committee prepare a plan for their disbanding and asked that they review the Personnel bylaws and provide recommended changes.  The Committee will also provide any articles necessary for the annual town meeting to change the process.

Town Clerk Betsy Cussen suggested that an article also be prepared for town meeting that would reduce the number of members from five to three just in case the town voted down the article to disband the Personnel Committee and hire a consultant.   A quorum would then be two.